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One-dimensional manThe principle of hopeHistory and class consciousnessThe ecology of freedomThe interpretation of dreamsThe social contractThe concept of the politicalMadness and civilizationCritique of dialectical reasonEscape from freedomThe wretched of the earthKarl marx's theory of historyThe state and revolutionSimulacra and simulationThe theory of communicative actionThe open society and its enemiesDas kapitalDialectic of enlightenmentThe archaeology of knowledgeThe discovery of the unconsciousThe mass psychology of fascismAesthetic theoryA critique of pure toleranceTotem and tabooHegemony and socialist strategyThe political unconsciousBeyond good and evilA theory of justiceTruth and methodBeing and nothingnessThe culture of narcissismLiberalismPedagogy of the oppressedThe social construction of realityCivilization and its discontentsThe society of the spectacleThe end of ideologyMain currents of marxismThe authoritarian personalityA treatise of human natureThe uses of enchantmentThe evolution of human sexualityMaterialism and empirio-criticismCulture and societyAnatomy of criticismThe gay sciencePsychological typesThe true believerThe future of an illusionThe principles of communismCosmic consciousnessThe dragons of edenThe history of sexualityThe transcendence of the egoThe phenomenology of spiritAchieving our countryGrundrissePolitical partiesLiberal fascismCulture and anarchyProblems of dostoevsky's poeticsA brief history of equalityArt and illusionThe accursed shareThe poverty of philosophyThe human conditionPhenomenology of perceptionPreussentum und sozialismusSpeech and phenomenaReflections on violenceThe road to serfdomConsciousness explainedThe mind's iTractatus logico-philosophicusThe assault on truthThe story of philosophyPhilosophy of the unconsciousThe german ideologyThe gutenberg galaxyThe postmodern conditionThe communist manifestoCritique of pure reasonThe human use of human beingsThe revolution of everyday lifeDarwin's dangerous ideaOn human natureThe idea of the holyA thousand plateausAnti-semite and jewFrom caligari to hitlerMatter and memoryCapitalism and freedomSocialism or barbarismMinima moraliaThe weirdest people in the worldImagined communitiesThe dawn of dayBlack reconstruction in americaThe dialogic imaginationHow to be a conservative