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Kolb's experiential learningTriangular theory of loveOn human natureAdministrative behaviorThe theory of island biogeographyHuman universalsDouble movementProcess and realitySchneider's dynamic modelEnvironmental politicsEvolution and the theory of gamesTheory of descriptionsThe dialectical biologistTheory of international politicsThe perennial philosophyThe extended phenotypeSteps to an ecology of mindSector modelTheory of the earthThe ecology of freedomGeneral strain theoryIncomplete natureThe interpretation of culturesNaturalistThe problem of social costThe timeless way of buildingConspicuous leisureSyntactic structuresHuman actionThe major transitions in evolutionThe stuff of thoughtThe system of natureSmall is beautifulThe social contractGoethean scienceA city is not a treeGreen worldAfter virtueThe structure of social actionThe revenge of gaiaEntitlement theoryDialectics of naturePoliticsEthicsThe savage mindErgodic literatureManagement by objectivesThe design of experimentsChildhood and societyThe philosophy of freedomAnarchismThe question concerning technologyThe moral animalLorenz 96 modelFoundations of mathematicsMaslow on managementMaps of meaningThe third industrial revolutionAmity-enmity complexThe cityDas kapitalThe metropolis and mental lifeThe nature of prejudiceRhythmanalysisThe oregon experimentEcotopiaThe selfish genePractical ethicsAesthetic theoryThe rules of sociological methodHolism and evolutionThe civilizing processLoss of strength gradientMimetic theoryHow the mind worksMind and cosmosDeschooling societyThe mirror of productionSocial justice and the cityThe origins of political orderArt as experienceThe happiness hypothesisThe principles of psychologyThe end of povertyMultiple nuclei modelDevelopment as freedomThree mountain problemA new earthThe logic of scientific discoveryThe human use of human beingsCulture and societyThe fractal geometry of natureA pattern languageAgainst empathyThe population bombThe fourth political theoryDialectic of enlightenmentMain currents of marxismTruth and methodThe theory of money and credit