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Gain the windWeatherSail close to the windReachBear downWindPointLay an anchor to the windwardRound toSit outBeat upTouchHaul aroundBeatClaw offHikeLay toBear upSail finePay offBroach toHead offHaulTrim one's sailsFall offVeerHaul outLaveerLet driveWindlassHeave-toFillBackwindBear awayGather wayStretchSquare awayForereachWearEnlargeTackAbout shipRide downTendTailHead upWareHave wayLay onClose reachShort-tackBackGo largeOutpointWooldLuffLay byHullBack and fillGripeBecalmOverreachSailWarpRide outGoose-wingChange tackBogueHeave toGaleCarry awayFall downSpring the luffHaul offWindsurfBrace abackFend offRangeMarlineSet the landMake wayRatchStrike sailStand outLuff upSheerSag offStayCapeHawseRun downPinchGuideCrowd sailGo aboutPull inSwingServeCareenAccost