MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Relieve oneselfDo one's easeRelieve natureRelieveEase natureDo one's easementMove one's bowelsOpen one's bowelsUse the toiletPass waterMakeLeakGo to the restroomWipe oneselfGo to the toiletUse the restroomMake waterWet oneselfGo to the washroomGo to the bathroomUse the washroomUse the bathroomPass stoolSelf-polluteBreak windMicturateRelaxWee-weeMake one's toiletGo pottyEjaculatePoopPissGet sickPiddleLoosenFollow throughDrop anchorToiletGo backwardsSyphon the pythonUrinatePinch a loafDrop the kids off at the poolUnloadBefoulDrizzleDefecateExcrementizeSoilMessFartEaseTinkleDungEffacePass windToilet-trainWipeDrain the lizardPurgeLay downFall into oneselfPass a stoolFart outSlip awayUrineDefaecateStoolEase upPuke upSpewPiddle awayDriteSeduceEructUnlaxTrumpJerk offPoop outEmbowelWank offPottyBlow offEmungeDeny oneselfAbluteFeceateCackSprayLowerEructatePass awayOutpissMasturbateLaskHelp alongBowelPerspireDisrobe