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Cp/mMs-dosRisc osDr-dosIbm pc dosDigital researchBerkeley software designApple dosBsd/osGrundy newbrainDos/360 and successorsOs/2Bbc microMsx-dosHp-uxPlan 9 from bell labsDsosOsf/1At&t unix pcCp/m-86Ibm personal computer xtFreedosBbc basicDos shellDistributed computing environmentIbm personal computer/atApple gs/os86-dosIbm basicBerkeley software distributionCommodore 65Pdp-1Apollo computerTandy 2000Ibm personal computerAmiga 1000Dos/4gI386Macintosh 512kPwb/unixFrameworkCommodore dosHp 95lxHistory of the amigaMp/mMetacomcoEnglish electric deuceCommodore 16Ibm rt pcOsborne 1Atari 5200Apple iBeosMacintosh quadra 950Ibm 701Presentation managerFoxproBs2000Intel 80286Commodore 1581Apple ii plusLeading edge model dPower macintosh 8500Apricot computersIntel 8255Corel linuxMulticsAtari dosHistory of microsoft sql serverResearch unixDirectory opusCommodore pc compatible systemsDec alphaPdp-11The multiprogramming systemAtari transputer workstationOs-9Ferranti mark 1AlveyAcorn atomOs/360 and successorsMindsetIbm series/1Tops-10Macintosh external disk driveMetastockIbm 8514Pc1512System 7IdrisDecmateAtari basicPdp-10Atari 2600CyrixMacintosh quadra 700Seattle computer productsDbaseSpriteApple ii