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Isolation drillsGuided by voicesSelf-inflicted aerial nostalgiaMag earwhig!Propeller11th songDelawareEl ten elevenDefine the great lineThis will destroy youHorizons/eastGive a glimpse of what yer notToday is the dayAmerican hi-fiAmerican fallMonumentThe sophtware slumpCopeDisciplined breakdownBeautiful distortionFull collapseHawthorne heightsOh, inverted worldCrooked fingersThem crooked vulturesInstrument soundtrackA deeper understandingFinger elevenOhioThe natural bridgeThe lives of othersThe changing of timesTen storiesFountains of wayneThe drumsAfter the discoSuperchunkThe curtain hits the castKill the flawGreat divideMaterial controlDeep blue somethingGravity killsCrossfadeAlien lanesDecomposerIn our bonesPage avenueJupiter oneLake street diveObservatoryNumber the braveAmplifierConductorParalytic stalksBee thousandThe downward spiralThe orwellsPainScratch acidStellastarrCrapsFires within firesNew traditionalistsLost in the sound of separationJukebox the ghostStraylight runAs daylight diesThe gloamingLies for the liarsMaking a door less openThe constantThe ghosts that haunt meConcrete blondeThe neighbourhoodFrail words collapseClosure/continuationDropout boogieNoiseworksColors iiAudioslaveCrazy rhythmsHalcyon digestThe beacon street collectionThe great destroyerCruel countryThe colouristAmerican slangAnthologyHappy nowhereOn the mouthPinbackEl gran orgoExpatriateAncient melodies of the futureOut of the veinOur time in edenThe fragileJupiterAct of depression