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A live oneLoudon wainwright iiiLiving with a herniaMontanaJunk food junkieSmells like nirvanaBorn to boogiePerform this wayThe wild side of lifeSo it goesMy ding-a-lingThe art teacherEat it1973The dope showCalifornia zephyrKnockin' on heaven's doorBedrock anthemShort peopleThe needle and the damage doneSupermanCraigslistHummingbirdBawitdabaOh yoko!Beautiful loserOperatorDare to be stupidLasagnaPolk salad annieCat's in the cradleNo no songSoft and wetAmerican tuneIt's all about the pentiumsLeopard-skin pill-box hatIf i needed youAll i knowRoads to moscowTherapyShangri-laJust like tom thumb's bluesBang the drum all dayAndy warholTime in a bottlePlay meThe night santa went crazyGoing to a townCold, cold heartBark at the moonFire lakeMe and you and a dog named booAmish paradiseThe saga beginsNormanLove me, i'm a liberalBlind willie mctellI got a nameTalk to the animalsLink wrayI shot the sheriffNew york citySkinny loveAin't no sunshineFather christmasIn bloomAlapaloozaMistadobalinaMurder was the caseHonky-tonk manThe legend of wooley swampPennyroyal teaSummer wineHonky tonkin'Hello it's meDrain youThree little birdsThe ballad of lucy jordanHarvestLovely dayThe old man down the roadAl caponeCircleMy old man's a dustmanFreddie's deadLotta loveLong distance callSo doggone lonesomeFallingBo diddleyA thousand miles from nowhereLazarusReelin' and rockin'Cosmik debrisHollywood nightsSon of my fatherPlastic manPink housesLiving for the cityDreamland express