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De natura deorumDe legibusDe officiisLaelius de amicitiaStatesmanDe re publicaDe oratoreEpistulae ad atticumPhilebusDe rerum naturaFirst alcibiadesBrutusMenexenusTusculanae disputationesSophistDiscourses on livyRepublicPhaedoDe spectaculisPharsaliaRival loversEthicsCommentarii de bello civiliCommentarii in somnium scipionisDe beneficiisDe umbris idearumAnnalsOn the first principlesEudemian ethicsCritoDiscourses of epictetusDe vulgari eloquentiaMeditationsNaturales quaestionesSymposiumHipparchusOeconomicusPoliticsDe tranquillitate animiHistoria calamitatumTimaeusOn the sublimeEpinomisAgainst the christiansJulius excluded from heavenFlorentine historiesDictatorSatyriconEnchiridion of epictetusGalenic corpusDiscourse on inequalityHistory of animalsDe jure belli ac pacisPraeparatio evangelicaTheaetetusThe roman revolutionThe bed of procrustesSumma theologicaApocolocyntosisDe doctrina christianaDe interpretationeMeditations on first philosophyThe city of godThe age of reasonOn generation and corruptionMenoSumma contra gentilesA true storyRefutation of all heresiesA treatise of human natureCritique of judgmentInstitutio oratoriaHercules at the crossroadsDe monarchiaBelfagor arcidiavoloSocratic questioningAeneidThe concept of the politicalLetter of aristeasThird man argument1 corinthiansMenciusFirst apology of justin martyrIn praise of follyCritique of pure reasonDe inventioneDiscourse on the methodMoral man and immoral societyAllegory of the caveMetaphysics of moralsCorrespondence of paul and senecaOn the heavensEtymologiaeFastiDisputationes de controversiisLife of constantineDe agri culturaOn dreamsTractatus logico-philosophicusThe transcendence of the ego