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Pavillon le corbusierCasapuebloEl caprichoLooshausCasa vicensKavanagh buildingDom-ino houseChemosphereOscar niemeyer museumHaus wittgensteinE-1027Farnsworth houseMill owners' association buildingMole antonellianaGoethe houseCasa amatllerHouse on the rockLa rondinaiaCatete palaceModulorPlan voisinNeutra vdl studio and residencesGehry residenceArseny morozov houseMalbaMillard houseQuinta de olivosPalazzo rucellaiModjeska housePalacio salvoMarble palaceCasa malaparteHarrods buenos airesDucal palace, urbinoChandigarh capitol complexObelisco de buenos airesEl capitolioSainte marie de la touretteCormier houseRoyal villa of monzaLovell houseEhrenburg palaceMirabell palaceChartwell mansionLa tour d'argentPalais schwarzenbergHotel capriRoyal palace of turinPalace of iturbideHundertwasserhausLa muralla rojaSpaso houseMartin-gropius-bauRippon lea estateMaison bonaparteBauhaus dessauStoclet palacePalace iiShangri-laCastle of almansaCasa lomaAvila adobeSchloss klessheimPitzhanger manorErnest hemingway houseLavirotte buildingPalazzo borgheseFrank lloyd wright home and studioSintra national palaceLa recoleta cemeteryLobkowicz palacePalazzo carignanoKaufmann desert houseCa' pesaroTorre picassoElisabeta palaceTorre latinoamericanaPalais rothschildLight house melbourneBrussels town hallPalazzo barberiniBradbury buildingCity museumTerracinaEl escorialBasilica palladianaThorsen houseCanada houseHotel nacional de cubaCasa encantadaPalacio de bellas artesTorres blancasSchloss weimarHouse of augustusSorbonneAlbertinaPalace of cultureFrederick hastings rindge housePyramid of tiranaFrancis j. dewes house