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Center for inquiryThe skeptics societyAmerican atheistsAmerican humanist associationFederation of american scientistsCommittee for skeptical inquiryFreedom houseAmerican philosophical societyFederalist societyFreedom from religion foundationBecket fund for religious libertyMises caucusAmerican chemical societyEx-muslims of north americaHeterodox academyThe satanic templeNiskanen centerArms control associationHumanists internationalEconomic club of new yorkChicago council on global affairsNational science foundationNational association of scholarsAmerican civil liberties unionDiscovery instituteEvangelical theological societyAmerican conservative unionTransportation research boardHeartland instituteState policy networkAmerican enterprise instituteAmerican mathematical societyNational space societyTheosSocial science research councilEconomic policy instituteAmerican academy in berlinThe biologos foundationJ streetAct for americaPacific research instituteAmerican friends service committeeNational academy of inventorsFrench academy of sciencesProgressive policy instituteCatholics unitedSeti instituteCenter for open scienceCommittee on publication ethicsCenter for biological diversityRoyal astronomical societyAmerican meteorological societyNational civic leagueCsicopRock the voteResources for the futureEthics and public policy centerNew york academy of medicineTides foundationSociety of biblical literatureTanzeem-e-islamiPolicy instituteAir & space forces associationCenter of the american experimentFuture of life instituteCompetitive enterprise instituteCenter for constitutional rightsHuman rights foundationRenew democracy initiativeFabian societyAtlas networkNational coalition for menAmerican sociological associationThe explorers clubNational academyCentre for independent studiesForeign policy research instituteBritish science associationComic book legal defense fundAmerican physical societyThink tankNew economics foundationTheosophical societyAmerican heart associationPew research centerBurroughs wellcome fundEagle forumInstitute for governmentPrageruPaulson instituteThe gravel instituteSigma xiEcohealth allianceRationalwikiIndependent women's forumCongressional recordSouthern poverty law centerGlobalsecurity.orgFoundation for economic educationTechnology policy institute