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Roth v. united statesMiller testMiller v. californiaHicklin testMoral turpitudeClear and present dangerImminent lawless actionReed v. town of gilbertCaniglia v. stromCensorship in the united statesExpectation of privacyAshcroft v. free speech coalitionBad tendencyExclusionary ruleKatz v. united statesJacobson v. united statesFulton v. city of philadelphiaNew york times co. v. sullivanCarroll v. united statesCase lawRamirez v. collierSubstantial disruptionIntermediate scrutinyMarbury v. madisonTison v. arizonaJudgmentStrict scrutinyLegal doctrineElonis v. united statesConcepcion v. united statesQuestion of lawCommon lawCrime against natureCourt of lawRational basis reviewProbable causeReynolds v. united statesCivil procedureBucklew v. precytheCrawford v. washingtonLabouchere amendmentHamer v. sidwayRestatements of the lawSubject matter jurisdictionRamos v. louisianaJudiciaryTurner v. driverOriginalismFederal question jurisdictionCommunity propertyDue process clauseMedical necessityGross indecencyLegal opinionStatutory damagesFederal questionNear v. minnesotaEndorsement testAshcroft v. iqbalRicci v. destefanoStandard of reviewDeclaratory judgmentProcedural lawFreedom of expression in canadaCriminal lawEvidenceParol evidence ruleFoucha v. louisianaDaubert standardInherent jurisdictionLegitimate expectationSmith v. spisakBreach of the peaceClear and convincing evidenceNixon v. fitzgeraldOutraging public decencyUnited states antitrust lawSkilling v. united statesMarshall v. marshallJury trialDistinguishingSubstantive due processSuspect classificationStrict constructionismCivil lawMapp v. ohioOlmstead v. l.c.Misrepresentation act 1967CourtReasonable doubtBarker v. wingoPersuasive precedentTax lawR v brownAges of consent in south americaAllgeyer v. louisianaStatutory rapeBurden of proofCity of ontario v. quonGarratt v. dailey