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Directive 67/548/eecSingle administrative documentRegulation no. 305/2011Clp regulationEuropean community numberTaric codeMedical devices directiveHarmonisation of lawDirective 93/41/eecEuropean ecodesign directiveGdpr fines and noticesIntrastatTir conventionAcquis communautairePayment services directiveBrussels iiTreaty of romeCommon veterinary entry documentTrans-european networksEuropean single marketRome i regulationEuropean union trade markRegulationEuropean accessibility actSchengen acquisCouncil of the european unionEuropean standardData protection directiveEuropean union act 2020Rotterdam conventionGeneral data protection regulationInformation society directiveCustoms unionEn 1090Brussels regimeEuropean exchange rate mechanismHabitats directiveDigital markets actComitologyEuropean system of central banksAutomated system for customs dataTobacco products directiveCommon security and defence policyNorthern ireland protocolMachinery directiveEuropean union customs unionEuropean unionInformation technology agreementEuro convergence criteriaRegulation 2017/746Notified bodyConsumer protection act 1987European union value added taxEuropean chemicals agencyTreaty on european unionBeneluxEurasian conformity markTreaty of lisbonEidasEuropean economic areaGdprCetaEuropean union act 2018Battery directiveRotterdam rulesCommon reporting standardDirective 2012/18/euLandfill directiveCodex alimentariusEuropean atomic energy communityProtected designation of originEuropean labour lawEuropean patent conventionConsumer rights act 2015Dublin regulationEuropean union roaming regulationsEuropean fiscal compactAnkara agreementEconomic unionStability and growth pactMercosurEconomic integrationTrade agreements act of 1979Member state of the european unionRecreational craft directiveJoint aviation authoritiesTrade in services agreementEuropean coal and steel communityEuropean union agency for asylumTreaties of the european unionMontreal conventionFlight compensation regulationDirectiveCode of federal regulationsEuropean citizens' initiativeRadio equipment directiveOrdinanceRegulation no 1169/2011DsearEurocodes