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Sir richard hoare, 2nd baronetFrancis pryorStuart piggottStewart perownePaul prestonFlinders petrieJohn lytton, 5th earl of lyttonE. e. evans-pritchardCharles townshendArthur evansRobert carr bosanquetArthur balfourBryan ward-perkinsHenry de la becheRobert tombsJohn lubbock, 1st baron aveburyNorman daviesBrendan parsons, 7th earl of rossePatrick balfour, 3rd baron kinrossG. e. r. lloydCarl blegenMax mallowanMikhail mikhaylovich gerasimovSir henry rawlinson, 1st baronetSir john barrow, 1st baronetRanulph fiennesDaniel rocheRoderick murchisonJohn marshallAusten henry layardHew strachanRichard sorabjiGeorges cuvierCorrelli barnettCharles lyellRonald huttonE. a. wallis budgeJames burnett, lord monboddoDiarmaid maccullochAdam fergusonLeonard woolleyAlan gardinerAndrew bruce, 11th earl of elginLeon brittanRobert koldeweyRobert lorimerRobert may, baron may of oxfordAuguste marietteGeorge macleodThomas phillippsAlfred radcliffe-brownJohn russell, 1st earl russellArnold j. toynbeeKeith josephPeter mackay, 4th earl of inchcapeMax von oppenheimKhaled al-asaadAdam nicolsonThomas stonor, 7th baron camoysSir anthony buzzard, 3rd baronetJohann jakob bachofenJohn leeColin campbell, 1st earl of argyllNikolai tolstoyJohn stuart, 1st marquess of buteMichael loeweSir william pulteney, 5th baronetHoward carterGeoffrey howeArnaldo momiglianoLeo frobeniusSir edmund backhouse, 2nd baronetRoger galeFrederick bligh bondRobert loweJohn sankey, 1st viscount sankeySir john fowler, 1st baronetJohn stuart, 3rd earl of buteArchibald sayceAnthony kennyJohn manners, 9th duke of rutlandBarthold georg niebuhrGeorge bingham, 8th earl of lucanGeorge byron, 7th baron byronJohn dominic crossanF. f. bruceRobert peelJohn scott, 1st earl of eldonRoman ghirshmanChristopher lloydJohn grimston, 7th earl of verulamCharles robert cockerellLucien febvreEdward lhuydJohn campbell, 7th duke of argyllDavid humeThomas bruce, 7th earl of elginBogdan filovRichard wetherillGeorge smith