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Christ the protectorJonahChrist the kingJesus buntu burakeCorpusBirth of the new worldMosesCristo rei of diliElijahCrucifixionInfant jesus of pragueSan pietro in vincoliBlack nazareneCrucifixManoppello imageChapel of the holy shroudLion of veniceIl redentoreChrist of the ozarksBasilica di san nicolaColossus of barlettaChrist the redeemerThe veiled virginFontana dell'acqua paolaEcce homoGero crossSanta maria della saluteTorcello cathedralSanctuary of monte sant'angeloBrera madonnaSanti giovanni e paolo, veniceSan pantalonStatue of libertyTomb of danteJohn fitzgerald kennedy memorialStatue of giordano brunoAdamSant'agostino, romeSanta maria gloriosa dei frariFontana delle tartarugheHercules and cacusAdoration of the magiApolloEcstasy of saint teresaAnnunciationOgnissanti, florenceThe history of the true crossSanta prassedeChrist childLast supperFontana del pantheonCircumcision of jesusColossus of constantinePiscina mirabilisTomb of antipope john xxiiiSan damiano crossSan lorenzo fuori le muraHoly familySaint andrewJohn of austriaSanctuary of vicoforteSan pietro in ciel d'oroPyramid of cestiusTomb of pope julius iiSaint quentinNaples cathedralSanta croce in gerusalemmeOgnissanti madonnaCapitoline wolfCastel sant'angeloLion of belfortSan pietro in montorioTrevi fountainPonte santa trinitaBenois madonnaNursing madonnaSanti giovanni e paolo al celioSt. peter's baldachinThe grottoSanta maria in campitelliSanta maria del mar, barcelonaFontana della pignaGiotto's campanileDying gaulTrieste cathedralModena cathedralSaint john the baptistSan giovanni dei fiorentiniOrvieto cathedralFontana della barcacciaThe gates of hellSan paolo alle tre fontaneSt mark's basilicaCathedral of syracusePisa cathedralPhuket big buddhaApollo and daphneThe oratorColossus of rhodesBasilica of san domenico, siena