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Globalsecurity.orgEconomic policy institutePaulson institutePolicy instituteProgressive policy instituteAmerican enterprise instituteEconomic club of new yorkFederation of american scientistsCentre for eastern studiesThink tankForeign policy research instituteArms control associationForeign affairsThe stimson centerInstitute for governmentGerman marshall fundBerggruen instituteSocial science research councilNiskanen centerTechnology policy instituteEthics and public policy centerAmerican academy in berlinCenter for constitutional rightsState policy networkPew research centerGlobal development networkEuropean policy centreAtlantic councilJ streetGeneva centre for security policyClub of romeCommittee to protect journalistsInstitute for the study of warNew economics foundationNational civic leagueHuman rights watchFreedom houseCenter for a new american securityCenter for american progressStrategic culture foundationResources for the futureSouthern poverty law centerCenter for inquiryCentre for independent studiesProject syndicateTruthoutHeartland instituteCity journalNational association of scholarsTransnational instituteHenry jackson societyAmerican conservative unionTransportation research boardCenter of the american experimentAmerican civil liberties unionHuman rights foundationFranklin news foundationMigration policy instituteLowy institutePrageruPacific research instituteFuture of life instituteHeterodox academyCentre for social justiceAmerican institutes for researchChicago film critics associationDiscovery instituteAtlas networkNational science foundationAmerican philosophical societyEcri instituteTax policy centerAcapsBecket fund for religious libertyThe gravel instituteReformBulletin of the atomic scientistsGuttmacher instituteFederalist societyNational space societyArticle 19Consumer reportsGroup of thirtyAmerican chemical societyInternational council for scienceCommon dreamsRespublicaAmerican library associationPopulation reference bureauCommittee on publication ethicsThe climate reality projectInternational astronomical unionNational urban leagueTheosTavistock instituteCompetitive enterprise instituteAmerican heart associationCommittee for skeptical inquiryClimate centralDeath penalty information center