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Afreen afreenRamcharitmanasDama dam mast qalandarMasnaviBangamataRudrashtakamHum dekhengeGhazalChaitanya charitamritaBhaja govindamBhagna hridayAl-burdaRumi ghazal 163Man kunto maulaAmuktamalyadaThe conference of the birdsNarayaniyamTajdar-e-haramLab pe aati hai duaGaha sattasaiLayla and majnunGuru gitaSarfaroshi ki tamannaAvadhuta gitaSare jahan se acchaSong offeringsGita govindaSukanyaShiva tandava stotraManimekalaiRudra avtarAndha yugBuddhacharitaRajaKhamba thoibiAshtapadiInder sabhaKubla khanCampeNazmBani adamBedu pako baro masaMarsiyaAye mere watan ke logoSuprabhatamNachiyar thirumozhiMul mantarTarana-e-milliKamalamba navavarna kritisKhosrow and shirinHafezKanda shasti kavasamTirumuraiSiestaGalbiMahamrityunjaya mantraQuiet night thoughtKakawinThe giaourRostam and sohrabMughamQasidaSangita ratnakaraRumiThe tale of kieuAtma shatkamSpiritual canticleHanuman chalisaThe waste landLamma bada yatathannaMuwashshahCarmen saeculareMille regretzKakawin ramayanaLi saoO fortunaEpic of manasA psalm of lifeThe lady of shalottDown by the salley gardensThe house of fameAni couni chaouaniThe ruinA lover's complaintShakuntalaAfricaIl canzoniereKamilRecuerdos de la alhambraThe destruction of sennacheribTriumphsArabic poetryScheherazadeThe song of hiawathaIn the steppes of central asiaThe song of loveA toccata of galuppi'sNational anthem of lebanonChanson d'automneKural