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Color of changeRepublican majority for choiceInternational alliance of womenInternational rescue committeeCrisis pregnancy centerUnited nations population fund40 days for lifeSouthern center for human rightsInternational justice missionHuman rights campaignChild rights and youDisability rights movementProgressive internationalAct upAmnesty internationalEmily's listNorwegian refugee councilNational right to life committeeAmerican center for law & justiceHeritage actionEcpat internationalHuman rights foundationMoveonActionaidConcerned women for americaParityAlliance for justiceInternational human rights lawHuman rights law networkFairvoteNational organization for marriageHuman rights groupAdvocacy groupNational rifle associationFemenLeague of women votersLegal services corporationPopulation councilAustralian christian lobbyInternational paralympic committeeLog cabin republicansNational secular societyJusticeEverytown for gun safetyEfratNational human rights institutionProgressive democrats of americaNational organization for womenCouncil on foreign relationsCouncil of europeCourt appointed special advocatesAnarchist black crossCongressional research serviceCancer council australiaBlack alliance for peaceMoscow helsinki groupTransgender europeIndian red cross societyPan american health organizationUnrwaCouncil for national policyBorder network for human rightsLegal aid ontarioIppfPhilippine red crossEngoInternational labour organizationRefuse fascismEarly childhood australiaPriorities usa actionBritish red crossRed crossRepublican national committeeIfnotnowCongressional progressive caucusPowaCentre for policy studiesAmerican jewish congressChartered institute of arbitratorsA.n.s.w.e.r.HeforsheCitizens adviceInternational bar associationDemocratic socialists of americaFreedom socialist partyId2020Kenya red cross societyRussian red cross societySoawrFood and agriculture organizationNational counterterrorism centerLeague of conservation votersGovernment equalities officeEuropean court of human rightsFree speech unionIntellectual property organizationJudicial watchNational safety councilNational commission for womenAustralian conservation foundation