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County of barcelonaKingdom of aragonMarch of pannoniaCounty of burgundyLotharingiaHistoric counties of englandFranciaMarch of styriaCeltiberiansMarch of friuliSouthern netherlandsAustrasiaEast franciaScotland in the early middle agesRoman provinceOld catalanCrusader statesDuchies of silesiaMarch of lusatiaKingdom of the burgundiansCounty of artoisDuchy of saxonyIberiaPrincipality of cataloniaBremen-verdenAvar marchAlbanian principalitiesHouse of barcelonaGalliaDuchy of burgundyBelgaeIllyrian provincesAustriaLusitaniansCounty of savoySpain in the middle agesKingdom of the lombardsBurgundian netherlandsItalian city-statesDanesEburonesAnglo-normansKingdom of africaOttoman hungaryAlamanniaCaledoniansTaifa of valenciaByzantine italyLongobardiaFranksMarcomanniCisalpine gaulNormansHabsburg spainPrincipality of achaeaSicilyBihar countyHabsburg monarchyLands of the bohemian crownDiocese of thraceDuchy of franconiaSouthern coloniesKingdom of powysDiocese of the eastCarolingian empireLatin empireHoly roman empireCantabriPrincipality of bayreuthCounty palatineKingdom of gwyneddPictsMarinid sultanateCarpetaniMargraviate of brandenburgExarchate of africaCarantaniansSaxonKingdom of dyfedGermanic peoplesKingdom of the suebiSaxe-coburg and gothaCambro-normansPrussian partitionIberiansCarantaniaThuringiiReconquistaCounties of denmarkHabsburg netherlandsCount of soissonsName of the franksSalian franksIberian languageMarch of verona1833 territorial division of spainBaltic governoratesCounty of hollandLordship of irelandMuslim conquest of the maghreb