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Portolan chartGeographySpain in the middle agesCodex azcatitlanDunhuang star chartKingdom of aragonKunyu wanguo quantuCartography of palestineCodex runicusMedieval latinGrandes chroniques de franceSpanish renaissanceMonumenta germaniae historicaOld catalanCrown of aragonItalian renaissance paintingDomesday bookBayeux tapestry tituliCounts of urgellPrincipality of cataloniaPtolemy's world mapEngland in the middle agesGothic artHistoria brittonumBavarian geographerAnnales cambriaeGalician-portugueseMedieval philosophyGeorgian golden ageMiddle english literatureMedieval french literatureHigh middle agesScotland in the middle agesRenaissanceRavenna cosmographyElbasan scriptOld english bible translationsCartography of jerusalemMedieval artAnglo-saxon royal genealogiesCartography of chinaParis codexMatter of franceAsturian architectureMiddle latinHouse of barcelonaRomanesque artHistory of the welsh languageMiddle englishCartography of europeSpanish golden ageMiddle agesInfluences on the spanish languageTimeline of the middle agesGothic bibleOld occitanAlbanian literatureMiddle welshKingdom of castileEtruscan alphabetHigh renaissanceMatter of britainRenaissance latinIberian languagePictish chronicleChronicon pictumIncunableHabsburg spainTimeline of european explorationSicilyCulture of iraqHistory of the spanish languageAnnals of the four mastersCodex kingsboroughHistory of ancient lebanonCatalan countiesAndalusi arabicHistory of the byzantine empireAquitanian languageTopkapi manuscriptMaya civilizationAztec scriptRenaissance artHigh gothicRenaissance in the low countriesEarly modern europeByzantine literatureOld irishAncient maya artEngland in the high middle agesEmirate of granadaAngevin empireSafavid dynasty family treeInternational gothicHistory of sevilleTimeline of ancient historyModernismeBelarusian arabic alphabetHistory of tyrolPolyptych