MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Drop anchorAnchorWeigh anchorMoorCastMoor upWeighUncastBreak groundUnmoorSwing at anchorClubStrike sailBackSpringCockbillCast adriftLay an anchor to the windwardCast awayStockMake shipCast offAbandon shipStream the buoyTailSendSwallow the anchorCleatCome homeStrikeDrop asternClubhaulCoanchorTripCut outChockBendFall aboard ofStopPut to seaGo downLay toHaul outPuntFall downGatherBear in withLay onBeam reachStandHawseSlip offBox offChange tackSquareMisstayShipGrapnelTendClub haulCareenDockBattenStrandBelaySwingBear off fromLockLay byStand outHaul aroundSlip the cableSwayPull inGimletMastUnmastRound toSidecastMastheadBouseShove offSet the landCapeDrop downBreak sheerCapsizeRun agroundBear awayLabourBecueDrydockAmainHead offSpinnakerStoakCrewBear downWatchSplash