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Boer republicsSlavery in south africaCape dutchUnion of south africaMonarchy of south africaPortuguese cape verdeMthethwa paramountcyAfrikanersFlag of south africa1820 settlersIndirect ruleFree burghersGambia colony and protectorateBoersProvinces of nigeriaAfrikaner nationalismCustomary law in south africaProprietary colonyTrekboersProvince of canadaGreat trekFree negroGerman west africaBaasskapDominion of new englandColonial nigeriaMississippi-in-africaBritish west africaUnited provincesSouthern coloniesRuanda-urundiConnecticut colonyNew england coloniesConfederate irelandDanish indiaFree stateMonarchy of germanyBlack schoolRix-dollarFrench congoNew haven colonySlavery in latin americaDutch empireSlave states and free statesFlag of the south african republicRepublics of the soviet unionBelgian colonial empireFirst czechoslovak republicAboriginal south australiansProvince of carolinaGuyanaSeigneurial system of new franceColonial indiaConfederate states of americaPlantationDiocese of africaBritish empireEnglish overseas possessionsPortuguese empireHistory of south australiaGaza empirePolitical history of zimbabweWitdoekeEmpire of brazilColony of jamaicaItalian empireFrench colonial empireIndian south africansNational origins formulaProvince of hesse-nassauBritish hong kongCoat of arms of south africaPalestinian jewsBasterTerritorial evolution of australiaDutch gold coastNewfoundland dollarProvince of marylandKingdom of rwandaFrench protectorate of tunisiaHoly roman empireKingdom of africaPortuguese mozambiqueNorthwestern confederacyProvince of hanoverLaw of south africaRepublic of marylandHistory of slavery in new jerseyIllyrian provincesFree state of lippeDanish overseas coloniesMthwakaziSouth african poundAsiento de negrosEvolution of the dutch empireCongo free stateSultanate of zanzibarColonial period of south carolinaBritish americaColony