MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Online privacy protection actCalifornia consumer privacy actCalifornia labor codeCalifornia civil codeNy safe actCalifornia public records actConstitution of californiaStolen valor act of 2013Canadian human rights actGun laws in californiaCrime victims' rights actCalifornia penal codeCalifornia codesDelaware general corporation lawCalifornia code of civil procedureCalifornia senate bill 32Government of california1996 california proposition 218Brown actDriver's privacy protection actTitle 18 of the united states codeTitle 17 of the united states codeAnti-discrimination act 1977Civil rights act of 1964Biometric information privacy actCheck 21 actOccupiers' liability act 1957Gun control act of 1968Judiciary act of 1789Licensing act 2003Consumer protection act 1987Government in the sunshine actConstitution of oregonTitle 28 of the united states codeEqual protection clauseCanada act 1982Crime and disorder act 1998Civil code of quebecTexas senate bill 4Clean water actCriminal justice act 2003Northern ireland act 2006Fraud act 2006Government of los angeles countyTitle 14 of the united states codeAge discrimination act 2004Road traffic act 1988Computer fraud and abuse actEmployment rights act 1996Constitution of west virginiaSentencing reform actAda amendments act of 2008Cloud actFirearm owners protection actUnited states codeCrimes amendment act 2007Safe carry protection actSunshine protection actTaylor lawMarsy's lawSafe sidewalk vending actPendleton civil service reform actCalifornia military departmentCalifornia code of regulationsHousing for older persons actInterpretation act 1978Sex discrimination act 19751996 california proposition 209Arbitration act 1996Pregnancy discrimination actSunshine lawCivil rights act of 1991Matrimonial causes act 1857Title 5 of the united states codeOfficial code of georgia annotatedAnti-secession lawPatient self-determination actGdprSexual offences act 2003Data protection act 2018Privacy act of 1974Copyright act of 1976Consumer rights act 2015Rome i regulationPublic order act 1986Constitution of north carolinaHong kong national security lawConstitution of texasCrimes act 1961Canadian bill of rightsHatch actCivil code of russiaEmployment non-discrimination actConstitution of virginiaMurderTitle 36 of the united states codeCivil contingencies act 2004Constitution of marylandConstitution of new yorkLimitation act 1980