MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
DieCrumbleCollapseTake apartBreakTumbleCrushConk outFailLose itGive wayCrumpleAnalyzeGive outDissectAnalyseGoPack upGo downFreezeSeize upRun downFreeze upFractureFall apartBreak upBrakeKick the bucketGo offPull apartDisintegratePit outDestroyPower downRust outBorkMelt downCrap outFall overDisbandKnock outShatterShut offCome to an endCut upBurn outDecomposeDropFall to piecesDisuniteCrashGlitchTurn offDeconstructDismantleGrind to a haltFlawCome to a stopSpaz outSpoilUnbrakeUnbuildDecommissionSwitch offUnpowerTerminateUnbootFall downWithdrawCrackShut downPull the plugBreak offPut the brakes onDismountUninstallConkStopFragmentCome apartIncapacitateWreckFell to piecesUnravelFragmentizeTake downWear outDissolveLock upGive up the ghostPull overQuitFall offStallBite the big oneDeclineHangHurtGo to piecesParalyze