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Maroon beretGreen beretAdvanced combat helmetTan beretFacial hair in the militaryCavalry stetsonSki capMilitary ranks of afghanistanArmy combat uniformDistinctive unit insigniaArmy service uniformRegimentBattle dress uniformWhitesBlue beretHelmet steel airborne troopMilitary uniformBattle fatiguesGi glassesBattalionCombat fatiguesUnited states armyMilitary camouflageService numberMilitary ranks of iraqBadge of military meritShoulder sleeve insigniaMk 6 helmetArmor branchCombat medical badgeCappello alpinoA2 helmetRegimental combat teamSkull and crossbonesBrigadeCivil war campaign medalArmy greenDesert camouflage uniformPeaked capItalian army ranksArmy combat bootSoviet armyM1941 field jacketPatrol capArmy combat shirtFourth united states armyLightweight helmetTanks in the australian armyAchievement medalRed beretFirst united states armyMilitary ranks of mexicoFlag of the united states armyReichskriegsflaggeTanks of iraqMilitary identity cardHorses in world war iiCombat infantryman badgeMilitary gliderInfantry blue cordNavy working uniformEngineer combat battalionMilitary ranks of switzerlandArmyArmed forces reserve medalPakistan army ranks and insigniaSoldier's medalLeibermusterMilitary ranks of south koreaB-rationCombat bootMilitary ranks of argentinaMilitary ranks of syriaTexas world war ii army airfieldsModel 1902 army officers' swordBelgian military ranksDesert night camouflageDesert battle dress uniformMulti-terrain patternOg-107United states armed forcesPinks and greensMilitary ranks of north koreaBrigade support battalionSaudi arabian military ranksTransportation corpsDriver and mechanic badgeBritish army officer rank insigniaMarine special operator insigniaCombat boxArmy aviationMilitary ranks of turkeySignal intelligence serviceMarine corps expeditionary medalArmy staff identification badgeSpecial service brigadeMilitary ranks of ethiopiaCzech military ranksMilitary ranks of bangladesh7th field artillery regiment