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Stealth taxSales taxPoll taxAnti-mask lawFuel taxFat taxPoll taxes in the united statesTariffProgressive taxIncome taxBank transaction taxPay-as-you-earn taxCorporate taxIndividual mandateTax collectorFinancial transaction taxPrice controlsSalt taxStamp actUser chargeRegressive taxBlood taxPrice controlElectronic waste recycling feeGross receipts taxExcise taxTariff barrierGift taxInheritance taxFeebateGift tax in the united statesSumptuary taxTax policyCapital gains taxLandfill taxUse taxValue added taxStamp dutyRoad taxExpatriation taxDividend taxExciseEstate tax in the united statesDutyExcess profits taxProtectionism in the united statesSuccession dutyLand taxGovernment takeLuxury taxAbility to payConscriptionLand value taxTax lienCompulsory educationPrice floorOccupational licensingRobin hood taxBathroom billAd valorem taxBank taxConscription and sexismImpostEstate taxForeign earned income exclusionPrice ceilingDeparture taxTampon taxAlternative minimum taxTaxpayerProperty tax in the united statesMaximum wageNegative income taxFranchise taxPayroll taxTax creditNuisance taxBuffett rulePublic purseTax rateSugary drink taxEntitlementPigovian taxMale prostitutionTax lawExcise tax in the united statesAlcohol monopolyIncome tax thresholdCompulsory votingProtectionismCompulsory purchasePolice stateDouble taxationObligation of identificationGraduate taxTax farmingExcess burden of taxationGreen taxTransfer taxRevenue