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Miss a beatMarch to one's own drummerMarch to a different drummerMarch to a different drumTake the kneeKeep schtumBurst into flamesShutupBreak one's strideBare it allKnow one's own headChastizePlay safeNot pay any mindShock-stalledGiddyapHave another thought comingSkidaddleDead-panBeat-mixCozy upBreak danceSlow-rollBurn the coalBrow-beatCannot help butLeap for joyDead panHigh-fiveBelly-danceCatch coldSteenKeep a look-outDumfoundRaise a handBeglamorBear-baitPitapatExcuse my frenchCap it offLook through rose-tinted glassesKnow inside outFind a new gearHold a torch forShelter-in-placeGoodnightDo by half-measuresStymyCap it allBeats one's swords into plowsharesB-boyEye-lockHurraCatch wind ofSmack-talkShell-shockIlltreatTake a fiveKnow like the palm of one's handKeep an eye skinnedTomtomShow the white flagDoubletimeBreak-danceMe-tooBackpatStimyFist-pumpTaserHurry-scurryChest-bumpDilly dallyShimmeyHear the last ofDillydallyHand someone his head on a plateSlam danceBitchin'DinnleChild-mindBitchslapDead-meltAuto-blockWhirStrongarmNeeseCat sitBaby-talkSweettalkBump n' grindEmbruteTazePepper-sprayBring the curtain downSpazzTally hoDe-arrestDisappear into thin airMeet-cuteGalavant