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Assyrian captivityReturn to zionDiasporaDaniel 1Ten lost tribesChaldean dynastyPhilistinesHistory of the jews in iraqOld babylonian empireSamariaAmoritesAl-yahudu tabletsNeo-babylonian empirePalestinian jewsIraqi jews in israelPost-imperial assyriaHistory of the assyriansThe exodusSecond temple judaismBabylonMiddle babylonian periodHolocaust survivorsJewish palestinian aramaicPalestinian refugeesJudah's revolts against babylonCanaanite religionMozarabsIsraelitesFall of babylonAncient mesopotamian religionNew kingdom of egyptRoman peopleSlavery in antiquitySecond temple periodAncient israelite cuisineBabylonian mathematicsIranian jews in israelMigration periodIsin-larsa periodAshkenazi jewsBabyloniaJudahMaccabeesAshkenazi jews in israelBanu qurayzaAchaemenid dynastyPersecution of jewsPersian jewsHerodian dynastySecond intermediate periodGreece in the roman eraHistory of the jews in germanyMigration to abyssiniaJewsAliyahByzantine empireMizrahi jewsSadduceesSargonid dynastyIshmaelitesMesopotamian mythsAncient semitic-speaking peoplesAncient romeOmridesBiblical hebrewHistory of the roman empireRoman empireIraqi diasporaAramaeanChristianity in late antiquityKhazariaSasanian iberiaAssyriaSpain in the middle agesJewish land purchase in palestineArameansBabylonian talmudRoman britainAram-damascusNabataean kingdomSeleucid empireMuslim conquest of the levantRoman egyptOrigins of judaismHellenistic periodLate periodArchaic greeceFiscus judaicusSasanian egyptSeleucid dynastyReligion in iraqAlbania under the ottoman empireKings of judahHistory of the philippinesHistory of ancient egyptMusta'arabi jewsByzantine greeksSasanian empireAkkadian literatureNew kingdom