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Anzac mounted divisionImperial yeomanryDevonshire regiment2nd/14th light horse regimentSecond australian imperial forceLancashire fusiliersLovat scouts9th/12th royal lancers21st lancers2nd louisiana cavalry regimentAustralian native policeFirst australian imperial forceRoyal horse artilleryThe canadian guardsGuards divisionTerritorial force2nd new zealand divisionPapuan infantry battalion11th hussarsThe light infantryNorth irish horsePolish hussars6th cavalry regimentRoyal australian artilleryRoyal gloucestershire hussarsRough ridersNatal native contingentRhodesian light infantryIndian defence forceBoer foreign volunteersBlues and royalsBorder regimentHorses in world war iiKing's african rifles31st indian armoured divisionRoyal scots greysQueen's royal irish hussarsReconnaissance corpsCanadian corpsAustralian armyMilitiaHistory of british light infantryScottish and north irish yeomanryMamelukes of the imperial guardAustro-hungarian aviation troopsRoyal horse guards55th infantry division46th division53rd infantry divisionCalifornia battalionIrish legionQueen's own hussarsRoyal hampshire regiment63rd division56th infantry divisionRoyal garrison artilleryRoyal marines division61 mechanised battalion group52nd infantry divisionAustro-hungarian armyReplacement armyBritish indian armyScots brigadeConnaught rangersTerritorial army8th massachusetts militia regimentThe grenadiersRoyal irish fusiliersAuxiliary divisionBosnian-herzegovinian infantryChasseurs d'afriqueCanadian expeditionary force1st canadian armoured brigadeHussarBoer commandoMachine gun corpsNorthampton and rutland militiaAyrshire yeomanryRoyal green jacketsFirst canadian armyStaffordshire regimentGuards machine gun regimentQueen's own cameron highlandersEast yorkshire regimentRoyal australian regimentGordon highlanders17th cavalry regimentThe royal grenadiersKing's royal rifle corpsThe saint john fusiliers7th michigan cavalry regimentDutch blue guards1st australian task force2nd canadian armoured brigadeLight infantry59th infantry divisionAustralia's federation guardAkinjiMediterranean expeditionary force13th/18th royal hussars