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Crew overAte one's wordsAte like a birdAte upAte something upAte itAte one's heart outAte the seed cornAte awayAte someone's lunchAte one's seed cornAte someone aliveAte the babyAte beaverAte one's gunAte something up with a spoonAte like a horseTook the bull by the hornsAte leadAte outSleep-ateAte one's own dog foodTook a bite out ofHad one's cake and ate it tooAte an elephant one bite at a timeTook on the chinFell preyChoked downCrewWent hungryRose upTook the cakeCame aroundBlew up in one's faceFlew the coopThrew upSworeGot someone's goatEgging onTook the mickeyShat outIngrewCame a cropperWokeOverateThrew up one's handsBit the biscuitGot up in someone's faceCame roundBit the hand that fed oneTook frightWoke upBit the dustCame full circleRid a horse foaled by an acornFell flat on one's faceBullshatStrowedAwokeTook a pewDrew in one's hornsWent crazyCow bitFell on one's faceWent out with a bangBore fruitWent aroundBroke breadBit off more than one could chewCame up snake eyesWent bonkersWent snakeSaw eye to eyeBit someone's head offThrew one's weight aroundThrew up the spongeSowed one's wild oatsTook credit forBestrowedTook coverRose to the baitBlew one's stackUnateOverstrowedRan aroundTook the baitBull-spokeShook one's headFell flatWent the way of the dodo birdThrew one's cap over the windmillBore downReaped what one sowedCame a gutserGot the chopStole someone's thunderCame out swingingCame down cats and dogsTook something as it cameCame to the fore