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Army group fArmy group aNorthag wartime structure in 19896th panzer armyGerman armyLuftwaffe field divisionsCentag wartime structure in 1989Third armySs cavalry brigadeGuards armoured division1st red banner armyFourth united states armyPacific ocean areas29th combined arms armyPanzer lehr divisionOperational command northArmy ground forces2nd guards tank armyGeneral staffLuftwaffeI. german/dutch corpsSpecial service brigadeRussian ground forcesRoyal air force germanyStructure of the german army41st combined arms armyLuftflotte 4Soviet armyAir defence of great britainBrigadeArmy generalWehrmachtOperational command eastLong range desert groupLuftflotte 135th combined arms armyFormations of the soviet armySiberian military district1st guards tank armyAllied forces baltic approachesArmy aviationGuards machine gun regimentSs-standarte kurt eggersMilitary ranks of afghanistanFormation63rd divisionFirst army division eastArmy service forces5th combined arms armyGeneral of the armyBrigade support battalionSouth african armyOperational command westMilitary of the ottoman empireCanadian armyGerman air forceSeparate tank battalion20th guards combined arms army4th canadian divisionBritish army of the rhinePanzerwaffe36th combined arms armyBattalionHarbor defenses of new yorkDivisionReconnaissance corpsNew york army national guardMilitary tacticsNorwegian armyGerman navyField artilleryArtillery brigadeGhost armyCommand501st heavy panzer battalionKampfgruppeArmy of the republic of texasFrench royal armyJagdgeschwader 11Pennsylvania lineBattlegroupMilitary ranks of north koreaGhana armyFirst united states army groupCommand postNinth air force49th combined arms armyFrench armyNamibian armyArizona army national guardGeneralAlabama army national guardArmy catering corpsKorean people's army ground forceAir materiel commandIllinois army national guardGround forcesAfghan armyArchipelago fleetMajor command