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Convention on biological diversityMissile technology control regimeTrips agreementAgreement on agricultureProtocol on incendiary weaponsBiological weapons conventionArms controlTreaty on european unionRome statuteMontreal conventionChemical weapons conventionEnergy charter treatyNorth atlantic treatyMultilateral treatyMaastricht treatyParis agreementWorld trade organizationCharter of the united nationsTreaty of lisbonHague evidence conventionTreaties of the european unionCape town treatyInternational humanitarian lawGenocide conventionRotterdam conventionStart iiPatent cooperation treatyOuter space treatyCitesTrade in services agreementMultilateralismNuclear suppliers groupSources of international lawPublic international lawNatoConvention on the high seasGeneva conventionStart iMultilateral export control regimeInternational human rights lawConvention on cluster munitionsThird geneva conventionInternational trade organizationInternational organisationSolas conventionCommon foreign and security policyGeneva convention on road trafficCotonou agreementAlpine conventionHague hijacking conventionTrade agreements act of 1979Arms act, 1959Conference of the partiesCetaCustoms unionMilitary allianceCartagena protocol on biosafetyMinisterial conferenceLaw of the seaMilitary policyNorth atlantic treaty organizationIstanbul cooperation initiativeDispute settlement bodyInternational trade centreSlavery in international lawInternational court of justiceEuropean union lawHague conventions of 1899 and 1907Information technology agreementSupranational unionInter-parliamentary unionProtection of diplomats conventionInternational atomic energy agencyPeace implementation councilArticles of warForeign relations of israelHague choice of court conventionForeign policyOttawa treatyRoerich pactGun control act of 1968The technical cooperation programPeace clauseGeneva conventionsEuropean patent conventionAntarctic treaty systemSchengenTtipMinamata convention on mercuryFourth geneva conventionProtocol iiUnctadEftaArms export control actEuropean unionMember states of natoCanadian firearms registryFree-trade areaEuro-atlantic partnership councilBerlin process