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Medieval armeniaArmenian numeralsAztec calendarRoman calendarSolar hijri calendarIranian calendarsMiddle armenianSyriac alphabetSerbia in the middle agesRoman armeniaEgyptian calendarMesoamerican calendarsOrigin of the armeniansByzantine armeniaBagratuni dynastyHistory of the jews in armenia8th century9th centuryNakhararTimeline of ancient historyArsacid dynasty of armeniaHistory of armeniaMiddle agesOld style13th centuryRussia7th century15th century bcAlbanian literature10th centuryHigh middle ages14th century bcOttoman architectureByzantine medicineArmenian literatureDate and time notation in japan6th century5th centuryAntiquity18th centuryMedieval technologyMiddle malayalamArsacesHistory of the byzantine empireProto-armenian languageSwedish calendarEngland in the middle agesClassical armenian16th century bcHistory of the serbs11th centuryMedieval hebrewRunic calendarCeltic calendarPrincipality of khachen14th century3rd centuryMamikonianArmenians in polandArmenians in azerbaijanEarly germanic calendarsByzantine greeceByzantine literatureHistory of azerbaijanArmeniaTarikhFastiBulgar calendarByzantineBosnian cyrillicCulture of armeniaChristianity in turkeyHittitePuranic chronologyMedieval greeceHistory of north macedoniaOld aramaicArabicHistory of thessalyMedieval demographyTimeline of british historyMiddle persian4th centuryAttic calendarOld armenianOld georgianIrish calendarHistory of sloveniaMishnaic hebrewSeljuk empireMilitary history of armeniaCyrillic numerals700 bcArmenian diasporaAramaicArtaxiad dynastyKingdom of artsakhSafavid artImperial aramaicKoban culture