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GethsemaneThe garden tombTomb of zechariahHoly sepulchreTomb of the virgin maryCity of davidDavid's tombSolomon's templeMilloMedinaSecond templeSaint peter's tombJoseph's tombChurch of mary magdaleneAntonia fortressChurch of the holy apostlesCaesarea maritimaChurch of all nationsChurch of the seat of maryChapel of the ascension, jerusalemTomb of the scipiosTomb of joshuaEzekiel's tombCave of the patriarchsAelia capitolinaGolden gateMary's wellCenacleTemple of claudiusCave of adullamArmenian patriarchate of jerusalemSerapeum of alexandriaCaiaphas ossuaryTalpiot tombTomb of seti iAtenThebesRoman ghettoChapel of the holy shroudTemple of hadrianCatacomb of callixtusSan paolo alle tre fontaneTemple in jerusalemZionTomb of tutankhamunOak of mamreSan pietro in vincoliSanti apostoli, romeTemple of apollo palatinusTemple mountRoyal tomb of akhenatenSanta croce in gerusalemmeAbbey of the dormitionSan pietro in montorioQumis, iranHagios demetriosMount ebal sitePhilopappos monumentAbusirPool of bethesdaAl-maghtasLeonine cityNicaeaTower of davidSanta pudenzianaCustody of the holy landMortuary temple of hatshepsutDur-sharrukinMonastery of saint markTower of elahbelLighthouse of alexandriaCadmeaRachel's tombTomb of danielMughrabi quarterHuldah gatesElagabaliumNew romeCarthageJoshua's hillArchdiocese of carthageDomus aureaHisham's palaceJannat al-mu'allaKhirbet qeiyafaEdessaImam ali shrineGizaChurch of saint george, lodSaint emmeram's abbeyAl-masjid an-nabawiArchbishopric of magdeburgSant'agostino, romeWestern wallDung gateBabylon fortressCasa romuliChapel of the shepherds' fieldSanta prassedeMonastery of the temptation