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Jason in popular cultureAresHerculesDiomedesThor in comicsHephaestus in popular cultureThor in other mediaKratosAbaddon in popular culturePhineusEurytusBaal in popular cultureHadesFiction featuring merlinApolloRobin hood in popular cultureSupermanChe guevara in popular cultureThorBatman in filmEdgar allan poe in popular cultureGladiatorDagon in popular culturePunisher in other mediaHephaestusAquaman in other mediaHyperionCronosAnubisBelial in popular cultureMerlinSuperheroSpider-man in other mediaCaptain apolloJoker in other mediaVikingSuperhuman strengthTelemachusGeneralMaruConan the barbarianThomas edison in popular cultureGawainMaskBane in other mediaSpider-man in filmCamaelAsterixScarecrow in other mediaGeneral zodTroilusTheseusAtlantis in popular cultureSethAtlantis in comicsPercy jacksonHulk in other mediaJanusBalder the braveLucius foxDrax the destroyerRomulusHeadless horsemanArkonPrince thunSpartyDaimon hellstromMiles gloriosusSpider-man in televisionAragornIkarisKarnakAtlasArashMarduk kuriosHomerIsaiah bradleyCosmic manDavid 8Robin hoodGreen lantern in other mediaMorpheusMabon ap modronSteppenwolfOdinCyttorakPegasus seiyaBeowulfCrispus allenOrionGabrielAgravainAzazel in popular cultureGaherisNikola tesla in popular cultureSandor cleganeSpace marineKing kongKing randorSaint michael