MyFinder is a unique search engine with a simple privacy concept in mind. We log your searches but none of the data, it's that simple.
Android lollipopAndroid nougatAndroid oreoAndroid pieIos 6Android ice cream sandwichAndroid 10Android froyoAndroid jelly beanIos 7Android 12Ios 13Android 11Ios 5Ios 8Ios 10Ios 14Ios 16Ios 11Android kitkatIos 15Android 13Ios 9Ios 12Ipados 13Macos sierraIpados 16Ipados 14Macos mojaveMac os x snow leopardMacos high sierraIpados 15Android honeycombAndroidOs x mavericksOs x yosemiteOs x mountain lionAndroid software developmentMacos montereyOs x lionFire osIpadosMicrosoft office 2013Ipv6Macos big surGoogle maps navigationIpv6 deploymentFirefox for androidParanoid androidGoogle playOmniromMobile operating systemArcoreSkylakeAndroid studioArm cortex-a57Ios sdkMaterial designAndroid tvMobile app developmentMicrosoft office 2007Android recovery modeResurrection remix osCopperheadosNintendo switch system softwareTvosEmuiMacosAndroid sdkGoogle payPlaystation vita system softwareFeatures new to windows 11GrapheneosLineageosMicrosoft office 2021MiuiApple a11ChromeosPiledriverApple a10Lte advancedApple mailColorosJava platform, standard editionApple file systemUmtsPlaystation 4 system software5g nrGoogle cameraAndroid runtimeHaswell4g connectivity in australiaKde plasma 5TegraApple a10xMobile appPostmarketosTizenGoogle pixelInternet explorer 6