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Freedom from religion foundationAmerican humanist associationBecket fund for religious libertyAmerican civil liberties unionNational secular societyCenter for inquirySouthern poverty law centerEx-muslims of north americaThe skeptics societyLiberty counselNational organization for marriageNational association of scholarsFreedom houseAmerican center for law & justiceAutistic self advocacy networkAmerican friends service committeeAmerican sociological associationAct for americaCenter for constitutional rightsThe satanic templeAmerican library associationComic book legal defense fundHuman rights foundationProgressive policy instituteFreedom of the press foundationAccess nowRenew democracy initiativeCongressional freethought caucusCatholics unitedElectronic frontier foundationSouthern center for human rightsNational space societyAmerican family associationInternational justice missionFree speech coalitionAnti-defamation leagueStudents for libertyNational christian foundationNational safety councilMoms for libertyAmerica needs fatimaStudents for life of americaSecular pro-lifeAmerican forestsEarthjusticeDefenders of wildlifeAmerican heart associationRepublican liberty caucusThe atlas societyHumanists internationalAmerican jewish congressNaral pro-choice americaReporters without bordersFlorida family associationAlliance defending freedomLegal services corporationNational civic leagueStand up americaAmericans for prosperityRock the voteState policy networkCharity navigatorInstitute for justiceBlack alliance for peaceAustralian christian lobbyAmerican red crossEverytown for gun safetyFlyersrights.orgFederalist societyThe climate reality projectAutism speaksAnswers in genesisJ streetHuman rights watchNuclear age peace foundationNova ukraineExodus cryCommittee to protect journalistsAnti-slavery internationalConcerned women for americaPlanned parenthoodCenter for biological diversityNational science foundationColor of changeBig brother watch501 organizationNational rifle associationLittle people of americaRepresentusFederation of american scientistsJews for judaismAir & space forces associationCenter for reproductive rightsFamily research councilHuman rights law networkFairvoteStandwithusAtlas networkGlobalgivingStephen ministries