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Kaunas countyAlytusGeography of lithuaniaTartu countyLusaka provinceLithuaniaNorthern province, zambiaCentral province, zambiaKybartaiAllegan county, michiganDemographics of manitobaHarju countyLewis county, tennesseeAitkin county, minnesotaFayette county, tennesseeLawrence county, tennesseeElbasan countyBabylon, new yorkLyon county, minnesotaLapeer county, michiganPaulding county, ohioFayette county, ohioLivingston county, michiganLewis county, new yorkSaare countyLivingston county, new yorkLatgaleLivingston county, illinoisFayette county, illinoisSt. lawrence county, new yorkFayette county, pennsylvaniaAlpena county, michiganCayuga county, new yorkLincoln county, montanaLycoming county, pennsylvaniaClay county, tennesseeFayette county, alabamaAustin county, texasGallatin county, illinoisAllegany county, new yorkIslip, new yorkFayette county, texasBelarusAlbany county, new yorkEstoniaLyon county, kentuckyGotland countyLawrence county, pennsylvaniaIda-viru countyLuzerne county, pennsylvaniaLogan county, illinoisLanark countyLoudon county, tennesseeClinton county, michiganMuchinga provinceHamilton county, tennesseeAsotin county, washingtonLenawee county, michiganLinn county, iowaAntrim county, michiganTraverse county, minnesotaClinton county, ohioLewis county, kentuckySouthold, new yorkBenton county, tennesseeHouston county, minnesotaCarroll county, ohioRoane county, tennesseeHamilton county, new yorkColumbiana county, ohioPortage county, ohioCounty laoisCounty longfordMarshall county, tennesseeOttawa county, michiganFayette county, iowaCourlandCarter county, montanaSnyder county, pennsylvaniaTartu parishCarter county, tennesseeFayette county, west virginiaAdams county, ohioLewis county, west virginiaSanders county, montanaBarry county, michiganLincoln county, maineStark county, ohioIonia county, michiganTenino, washingtonLake county, ohioPerry county, tennesseeLuapula provinceLaurens county, georgiaKnox county, ohioBelmont county, ohioCannon county, tennesseeSublette county, wyomingAtoka county, oklahomaLawrence county, kentucky