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Australian overland telegraph lineNorth london railwayTelegraph lineMetropolitanGreat western railwayRailwayCentralGeneral post officeBakerlooInner circle railway lineBritish columbia electric railwayDistrictGreat eastern railwayPrussian eastern railwayLondon and north western railwayTransatlantic telegraph cableGreat central main lineNorth british railwayEast london line extensionRail freight in great britainBritish railway rolling stockEast lincolnshire railwayElizabeth lineLondon and birmingham railwayStirling and dunfermline railwayHistory of rapid transitBritish railBritish telecom microwave networkFife coast railwayIntercity 250Timeline of the london undergroundEast london lineDublin tramwaysRail transport in great britainRailway lineHistory of the london undergroundBaker street and waterloo railwayPiccadillyLondon overgroundChristchurch tramway systemGreat northern routeAseanRailway operating divisionRed carEast coast main lineLondon and greenwich railwayTrams in sydneyCarlingford railway lineRailway electric tractionEast lancashire railwayCentral lineTrams in new zealandTrain protection & warning systemBritish railways boardMetropolitan railwayMidland railwayBritish rail engineering limitedMotorailAlton railroadLondon, tilbury and southend lineNorthern lineNew york central railroadServiceton railway lineLancashire and yorkshire railwayArbroath and forfar railwayOrient expressOuter circle railway lineCity and south london railwayHammersmith & cityLnwrHammersmith & city lineSurrey iron railwayCircleTravelling post officePhiladelphia and trenton railroadTramlinkRailtrackGrand trunk pacific railwayCanada lineRailway system of the soviet unionLbscrBristol harbour railwayRouteingFibre-optic link around the globeRailways in melbourneTrack circuitFen lineRailways on the isle of wightEurostarTasmanian government railwaysTrunk lineGlasgow central railwayGreat southern and western railwayCentral stationReichspostBig fourStreet railwayStockton and darlington railwayHeathrow connectRunning line