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The jungle bookAlice in wonderlandOnce upon a forestThe rescuersRudyard kipling's jungle bookThe rescuers down underRobin hoodThe ant and the aardvarkPeter and the wolfThree little pigsThe fox and the houndThe wild swansThe elusive avengersHedgehog in the fogThe inspectorMunroThe simple thingsMerrie melodiesGustavThe bear that wasn'tDarby o'gill and the little peopleOliver & companyThe man called flintstoneThe land before timeThe chipmunk adventureRoger rabbit short filmsBlack beautyTintin and the temple of the sunModern madcapsLooney tunesThe adventures of lolo the penguinBrave little tailorTrue-life adventuresThree from prostokvashinoThe adventures of prince achmedOne hundred and one dalmatiansThe wacky world of mother gooseD'artagnan and three musketeersThe princess and the goblinChip an' daleFun and fancy freeTintin and the lake of sharksThe scarlet flowerThe tales of beatrix potterMake mine musicThe three caballerosA goofy movieLend a pawContractFlash gordon's trip to marsTrolley troublesCharlotte's webThe incredible journeyBedknobs and broomsticksThe muppet movieA grand day outThe hobbitGulliver's travelsLoopy de loopScooby-dooHappy daysAladdin and his wonderful lampToot, whistle, plunk and boomThe halloween treeScooby-doo meets the boo brothersThe barn danceTintin and the golden fleeceMelodyCheburashkaThe return of the kingThe great mouse detectiveColor classicsAn american tailMatinee mouseThe adventures of brer rabbitOne froggy eveningJourney back to ozPaul bunyanFantasiaBeauty and the beastScooby-doo and the ghoul schoolStuart littleDaffy duck's quackbustersThe barnyard battleOnce upon a timeThe abominable snow rabbitFive on a treasure islandPeter panThe small oneThru the mirrorBambiThe band concertI haven't got a hatTop cat and the beverly hills catsThe days of the turbinsBen and mePolygonDon donaldOliver twistIn the bag