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Buckinghamshire county councilMetropolitan borough of finsburyCounty boroughRoman provinceBihar countyHereford and worcesterMasovian voivodeshipProvinces of nigeriaCounty of burgundyCounties of denmarkPartition of irelandPomeranian voivodeshipPrefectures of greeceLordship of irelandEastern region, nigeriaColonial officeLublin voivodeshipBritish indiaColony of queenslandMetropolitan borough of shoreditchFlag of greater manchesterColony of new south walesKiev governorateGrampianDominion of new englandGau east prussiaProvince of schleswig-holsteinCounty of artoisBritish cyprusProvince of carolinaNovgorod governorateProvince of canadaStrathclydeElectorate of bavariaKingdom of englandKingdom of powysCounty of hainautEnglish overseas possessionsGau upper silesiaBosnia vilayetProvince of south carolinaCounty of hollandTver governorateUpper canadaSilesian voivodeshipProvince of hohenzollernThe paleRepublics of the soviet unionColony of vancouver islandRoyal irish constabularyHouse of commons of englandParliament of englandLatheBritish empireSaxony-anhaltCommanderyAssizesEast punjabProvince of hesse-nassauDuchy of bukovinaInflanty voivodeshipProvince of marylandNovorossiya governorateStates of the weimar republicTransvaalBritish hong kongProvince of saxonyAustrian silesiaDepartment of alaskaCentral provinces and berarKingdom of aragonReichsgauIllinois territoryDuchy of magdeburgNansemond county, virginiaNorth-east frontier agencyHerzegovina eyaletDevolution to the north of englandElectorate of trierKiev voivodeshipDublin metropolitan policeIdaho territoryDakota territoryProvince of hanoverStatute of rhuddlanBritish west africaBreslauArizona territoryOklahoma territoryBritish bechuanalandScotland in the early middle agesNegrosKingdom of east angliaIowa territoryHoly roman empireElectoral palatinateLibertyDuchy of bohemiaPrincipality of walesSpanish west florida