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Entitlement theoryJustice as fairnessThe social contractThe concept of the politicalDas kapitalThe theory of communicative actionA treatise of human natureCritique of pure reasonLiberalismThe open society and its enemiesLanguage, truth, and logicAnatomy of criticismTheory of international politicsThe state and revolutionCritique of dialectical reasonDiscourse on inequalityKarl marx's theory of historyCritique of judgmentTractatus logico-philosophicusLaw's empireMetaphysics of moralsCapitalism and freedomThe wealth of nationsHow to be a conservativeThe law of nationsTruth and methodPure theory of lawSimulacra and simulationThe ecology of freedomA secular agePrinciples of political economyThe accursed shareExperience machineHow the mind worksDarwin's dangerous ideaFamine, affluence, and moralityThe righteous mindA defense of abortionOn human natureReasons and personsConsciousness explainedAesthetic theoryThe origin of capitalismThe fatal conceitThe spirit of lawOn bullshitThe selfish geneBeing and nothingnessPractical philosophyTheoretical philosophyRace and economicsThe age of reasonThe problem of political authorityProcess and realityThe use of knowledge in societyThe freedom of the willThe constitution of libertyAnarchismEthicsThe principle of hopeThe problems of philosophyPolitical partiesAgrarian justiceEros and civilizationGrundrisseProgress and povertyThe price of inequalityThe case for animal rightsThe phenomenology of spiritThe degrees of knowledgeAnarchy is what states make of itHegemony and socialist strategyThe theory of money and creditAchieving our countryHuman actionA critique of pure toleranceThe foundations of arithmeticThe road to serfdomA brief history of equalityThe logic of collective actionThe blind watchmakerContingency, irony, and solidarityThe human conditionThoughts on governmentThe transcendence of the egoPhenomenology of perceptionFederalist no. 70ImperialismThe postmodern conditionThe principles of psychologyHistory and class consciousnessThe interpretation of dreamsOne-dimensional manAgainst methodThe society of the spectacleThe moral landscapeA system of logicDemocracy and educationThe social construction of realityBeyond good and evil