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Lawn boyA death in the familyA year down yonderDead end in norveltThe wapshot chronicleBarnaby rudgeA boy's own storySuttreeLittle boy blueThe pigmanAutobiography of a brown buffaloThe vicar of wakefieldI am the cheeseManchild in the promised landThe orchard keeperMartin edenStarman jonesBrother in the landBlack boyFarm boyA day with wilbur robinsonMemoirDandelion wineOf time and the riverIntruder in the dustTom sawyerThe boy who lost his faceHatchetThe perks of being a wallflowerHow green was my valleyMountains beyond mountainsIn the country of last thingsFarmer in the skyHereward the wakeThe short-timersA long way goneThe adventures of tom sawyerMy family and other animalsThe roadA year in provencePendennisPrivate peacefulThe martianA separate peaceHolesTom brown's school daysMcteagueThe siege of trencher's farmJohn henry daysIn the night kitchenThe education of little treeThe adventures of augie marchThe chocolate warThe hotel new hampshireJust williamGrowth of the soilSlaughterhouse-fiveCrossing to safetyThe education of henry adamsThe book of ebenezer le pageThe history of henry esmondFantastic mr foxFreak the mightyEnglishMy life at first tryFamilyThe island on bird streetLost in the barrensThe way to rainy mountainGod's little acrePincher martinThe unvanquishedA sand county almanacApril morningThe long walkAll american boysRobinson crusoe islandThe road to wellvilleThe hamletThe cider house rulesCharlotte's webDon't call me ishmaelStraight manHam on ryeA good yearThe milagro beanfield warThe horse and his boyThe childhood of jesusThe devil all the timeBlack swan greenThe adventures of roderick randomThe pickwick papersTono-bungayThrough black spruceRevolutionary suicideArthur's noseThe mayor of casterbridgeLetters from an american farmerReubenThe name of the wind