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Gas company tower55 water streetColumbia center60 wall street1345 avenue of the americasSan francisco marriott marquisFlatiron building20 exchange placeOrdway building500 west madison110 north wacker500 fifth avenueTransamerica pyramidOlympic towerChanin buildingOne liberty plaza1271 avenue of the americasSalesforce towerThe new york times buildingRiver pointSolow buildingTerminal tower55 wall street590 madison avenueTimes square towerCitigroup centerComcast centerPhelan buildingSeagram building383 madison avenueDuke energy centerMonadnock building520 park avenueParamount plaza345 park avenue30 hudson street4 times squareFrost bank tower660 fifth avenueJohn hancock tower3rd & cherry55 hudson yardsSantander tower550 madison avenuePsfs building1251 avenue of the americasRiparian plazaFirst national bank towerSix battery road520 fifth avenueOne571095 avenue of the americas1540 broadwayTaipei 101181 fremontJasperSt. regis chicagoCarnegie hall towerQualtrics towerMarine building45 broad streetOne court squareMiami towerPark avenue towerLvmh towerTruist center122 leadenhall streetCrain communications buildingBank of america corporate center1585 broadwayCustom house tower111 west 57th streetTwo prudential plazaOne america plazaOne atlantic centerChicago board of trade building28 liberty streetPark avenue plazaGeorgia-pacific tower14 wall street70 pine streetTorre colpatriaSalmon tower buildingCrown sydneyDeutsche bank centerThe austonianRainier square towerOne astor plaza432 park avenue385 bourke streetChase centerKbr towerHallidie building1221 avenue of the americasSmith towerOne lincoln streetTribune tower75 rockefeller plaza1211 avenue of the americasDeutsche bank building