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Kansas experimentMassachusetts health care reformRevenue act of 19642016 united states federal budgetEconomic recovery tax act of 19811994 california proposition 1871978 california proposition 131933 banking actAnti-inflation actPoor law amendment act 1834People's budget2008 california proposition 8Enabling act of 19332018 united states federal budget1973 australian referendumNew jersey planMckinley tariff1980s austerity policy in romaniaHuman life protection actFederal marriage amendmentEuropean debt crisisMorrill tariffReagan tax cutsJudiciary act of 1789Georgia house bill 481Civil service reform act of 1978Fugitive slave act of 1850Ireland act 1949Staggers rail actSugar actScotland act 1998Trump wallNew dealSecurities act of 1933Revenue act of 1913Reform act 18322000 alabama amendment 2Agricultural adjustment act1984 australian referendumCivil rights act of 1875Executive order 13769Twenty negro lawLine item veto act of 1996Infanticide actBalcerowicz planTown and country planning act 1947Electoral count actReorganization act of 1939Great leap forwardThree-day week1976 sterling crisisGovernment of ireland act 1914Constitutional reforms of sullaNaval act of 1794Social security actNixon shockMccarran internal security act2007 pakistani state of emergencyThe new freedomDonation land claim actTariff of 1857Militia act of 1903Smith actJerusalem embassy actRegulating act of 1773Trump tariffsGovernment of ireland bill 1893Bantu education act, 1953Indiana pi billConnecticut compromiseDeclaratory actAfp modernization actCurrency act1965 soviet economic reformSuccession to the crown act 2013Immigration restriction act 1901Pitt's india actNullification crisisReconstruction finance corporationCrittenden compromiseGranger laws1991 indian economic crisisNational security act of 1947Massachusetts compromiseNationalisation in pakistanMagnuson actResidence actByrd amendmentBuggery act 1533Quebec actCriminal law act 1967Home rule crisisConstitution act, 1867Morgenthau planFugitive slave act of 1793Defence of india act 19151981 defence white paperHarrison narcotics tax actMinimum wage in germanyCharter of the french language