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May 2022 lunar eclipseSolar eclipse of february 26, 1979March 1504 lunar eclipseSolar eclipse1972Solar eclipse of august 21, 2017Solar eclipse of august 1, 2008Solar eclipse of august 11, 1999Solar eclipse of july 22, 2009Solar eclipse of august 2, 2027Lunar eclipse2003 halloween solar stormsSolar eclipse of august 12, 2026MarchSolar eclipse of august 12, 2045Solar eclipse of october 25, 2022Babylonian calendarApollo 11Lunar monthSolar eclipse of july 16, 2186Bastille day solar stormJulyJuly 2012 solar stormSolar eclipse of december 26, 2019Great conjunctionMarch 1989 geomagnetic stormOrionAugustPerigean spring tideTriple conjunctionApollo 8JuneJanuary 1938 geomagnetic stormSn 1181SeptemberTotal penumbral lunar eclipse1972 great daylight fireballOctoberEquinox1970 in spaceflightSurveyor programApollo 10Carrington eventMaunder minimumApollo 17Moonrise and moonsetMariner 8Lunar calendarEclipseTideComet westJanuaryFull moonNew moonJune solsticeSalyut 1Solar cycle 23Pioneer programLunar dayGreat comet of 1577Summer solsticeTransit of mercuryComet hyakutakeApollo 9Mariner 6 and 7Solar cycle1967 atlantic hurricane seasonDecemberSolar eclipse of april 8, 2024Blue moonPegasusIsisPioneer 6, 7, 8, and 9AprilGreat observatories programApollo tv cameraSyzygyComet kohoutekSolsticeSolar eclipse of october 14, 2023Southern delta aquariidsLunar nodeExploration of uranusMars exploration roverGreen flashPioneer anomalySolar cycle 10Position of the sunAlfonsine tablesClassical planetSpace raceMercury1957 in spaceflightSolar termTimeline of meteorologyLunar new yearExploration of the moonTimeline of the space raceMoons of saturnTibetan calendar