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500 west madison311 south wacker driveTribune towerCrain communications building77 west wacker driveSt. regis chicagoRiver point151 north franklinKluczynski federal buildingChicago board of trade buildingBoeing buildingSolow building590 madison avenueSinger buildingTwo prudential plaza111 west 57th street333 south wabashJohn hancock center150 north riverside1345 avenue of the americasCitadel centerPark avenue tower60 wall streetLvmh towerMonadnock buildingOneamerica towerColumbia center555 california streetCentral park tower1095 avenue of the americasChanin building30 hudson yards300 north lasalleOne prudential plazaOne57345 park avenue500 fifth avenueSeagram buildingFisher buildingCitigroup centerLake point towerCarnegie hall towerAqua520 park avenue75 rockefeller plaza101 park avenue1211 avenue of the americas270 park avenueComcast center432 park avenue383 madison avenueCarbide & carbon buildingHilton chicagoTower at cityplace55 water streetMiami towerAustralia 108Trump towerEureka towerHelmsley building1271 avenue of the americasOlympic towerSmith towerHeron towerBlue cross blue shield towerOne liberty plazaOrdway buildingTimes square towerJohn hancock towerFour seasons hotel miami14 wall streetCapella towerOne atlantic centerTaipei 1011166 avenue of the americasFoshay towerKbr tower220 central park southShanghai world financial center55 hudson yardsGas company tower550 madison avenue385 bourke streetThe arc at old colonyGeneral electric buildingCustom house towerPenobscot building122 leadenhall street10 hudson yardsChicago city hallAlly detroit center20 exchange placeRoyal bank plazaSalmon tower buildingBmw headquartersFrost bank tower660 fifth avenueDeutsche bank buildingBok towerBook tower