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Ganges basinMettur damChambal riverIndirasagar damReservoirMeghna riverGanges canalStreamflowNational helium reserveBody of waterSundarbansKaveriNarmada canalGreat miami riverTsunamiIndus riverDrainage basinRihand damPorts in bangladeshGreater mekong subregionBhima riverGangaThompson riverLakePeriyar riverHudson bay drainage basinNiobrara riverStormwaterBay of bengalGhagharaSea levelMurray riverTidal marshLake oaheCountry boats in bangladeshBaihetan damAngat damChenab riverRiverLand reclamationCagayan riverNew croton reservoirDooarsMyriadSindh riverOutburst floodTurbiditeDamodar riverFloodplainLake taiKoyna hydroelectric projectBlue spaceNainital lakeGandaki riverSurface runoffRiver sourceShasta lakeGreat lakes basinIce sheetLake texomaChao phraya riverAmazon deltaDubai creekNile deltaFloodGroundwater rechargeMaumee riverAmazon riverFort peck lakeSunkoshi riverIndonesian throughflowPatoka lakeRavi riverColumbia river drainage basinDams and reservoirs in ethiopiaDes moines riverKankakee riverClear riverRiver deltaShinano riverPonnaiyar riverSutlejNew croton damLake mancharStream powerGrand coulee damLake vermilionRiver ecosystemLake victoriaCaspian seaSilverwood lakePoyang lakeRewalsar lakeMetre sea waterLake havasuSubarnarekha riverDal lakeFlaming gorge reservoirSan francisco bayHydrology