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Neolithic declinePopulation bottleneckSecond green revolutionAgriculture in the middle agesDark agesGreat contractionDepopulation of the great plainsLate antique little ice ageDomino theoryNeolithic revolutionGreen revolutionLittle ice ageClassic maya collapseSocietal collapse2000s commodities boomGreat divergenceIndustrialisationQing conquest theoryBritish agricultural revolutionRoman economyMarket revolutionEarly middle agesMigration periodHindu rate of growthPacte de famineCrisis of the late middle agesAgeing of europeScottish agricultural revolutionEuropean interwar economyGreen revolution in indiaRain follows the plow1453FeudalismHistory of climate change scienceLowland clearancesShortage economyEconomy of the han dynastyHolocene extinctionFunctionalismThe general crisisEconomic collapseCrime dropDemographic transitionByzantine dark ages1750Italy in the middle agesEconomic history of the worldHistorical school of economicsPrairie madnessGreat moderationChristianity in the 20th centurySociocultural evolutionEnglish medieval clothingEmbedded liberalismPre-industrial societyEconomic rationalismOriginal affluent societyFamily in the soviet unionDevelopmental statePeasant economicsSlavery in latin americaEarly modern europeHigh-level equilibrium trapPolitical decayArab agricultural revolutionFascism in asiaThird-worldismEnvironmental issues in chinaGreat accelerationEarly modern periodCommercial revolutionConsequences of the black deathProto-globalizationArchaic greeceAncient romeCrisis theoryNeolithicFascistInternal colonialismConsumptionLate antiquityGreat oxidation eventBenefits of space explorationRoman warm periodChristianizationDual inheritance theoryIndustrial revolutionEnvironmental issues in russiaMiddle agesPost-communismNuclear renaissanceArab winterNeolithic europePrice revolutionFascism in europeAgrarianismOpen-field systemEconomic history of canadaState monopoly capitalismSecond industrial revolution