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Scheduled territoriesSterling blocBritish empirePound scotsLatin monetary unionOld moneySoviet blocEast african shillingEnglish overseas possessionsRepublics of the soviet unionBritish malayaBritish west africaPennyDominion of new englandCypriot poundBritish west indies dollarNew zealand poundIdentifying marks on euro coinsAustrian kroneMalaya and british borneo dollarDenmark-norwayProtectorate of south arabiaSocialist-leaning countriesBritish americaNewfoundland dollarDominion dayTrade dollarBritish hong kongProvince of canadaSweden properIndia in world war iiShillingColonial empireMonarchy of south africaSoviet central asiaMaritime republicEastern states agencySouth african poundDominionBritish indiaEastern blocGerman-austriaGulf rupeeBritish peopleLands of the bohemian crownHabsburg monarchySouthern coloniesNew england coloniesAustro-hungarian guldenImperial fortressMaltese scudoPiastreScottish unitsKingdom of irelandCoinage in anglo-saxon englandKingdom of englandFrench colonial empireCoins of the australian poundBritish north americaColonial indiaRix-dollarMohurSammarinese liraBelgian colonial empireItalian city-statesAustrian empireKopekScotland during the roman empireUnion of south africaPrincely states of pakistanKingdom of powysMonarchy of pakistanMesopotamiaBritish west floridaAustro-hungarian kroneHistorical regionBohemian and moravian korunaTreaty of unionConfederate states of americaColonial powerGenoese coloniesAustria-hungaryMarkKingdom of yugoslaviaByzantine coinageMalayan unionRussian partitionRixdollarCeltic nationsBritish rajHoly roman empireUnited kingdom of the netherlandsTrucial statesPersian daricKingdom of hungaryMalta protectorateSlovene landsHistoric counties of englandPrussian partitionEnglish-speaking world