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Fuel taxFat taxAd valorem taxSales taxGross receipts taxValue added taxTariffExcise taxPrice controlIncome taxCorporate taxFinancial transaction taxSugary drink taxBank transaction taxTax rateExcisePrice controlsExcess profits taxRegressive taxPoll taxDividend taxCapital gains taxLandfill taxMeasurageDutyNuisance taxPayroll taxPoll taxes in the united statesProgressive taxExcise tax in the united statesPrice floorLand taxGift taxElectronic waste recycling feeProtectionism in the united statesUse taxPrice discriminationLuxury taxPay-as-you-earn taxStamp dutyState ownershipSeverance taxCountervailing dutyLand value taxRoad taxDirect taxUser chargeRevenueStamp actProperty tax in the united statesGovernment takeExpatriation taxInheritance taxRationingSumptuary taxPrice ceilingTransfer taxBank taxState income taxTariff barrierRationing in the united statesSuccession dutyDouble taxationTobin taxMillage taxTax collectorInflationState capitalismStealth taxBeard taxPublic ownershipTax lawProtectionismTax policyReservation priceSeigniorageTurnover taxPublic purseProduct marketGovernment revenueProperty taxRent controlAbility to payBlood taxEstate tax in the united statesForeign earned income exclusionOctroiHypothecationShipping and handlingGift tax in the united statesService chargeSecurities transaction taxPigovian taxPriceCarbon pricing in canadaAllowanceHearth taxAlcohol monopolyDeadweight lossTrade war